November 24, 2011

Setup Internet relationship to Digital Video Recorder Behind Router

This is first narrative from two part series looking at the seemingly easy task of setting up Internet relationship to safety Dvr. While this narrative will focus on general steps complex in proper relationship forwarding to Cctv Dvr, the part two is all about dynamic Dns reserve and workarounds. Before we step into the main subject, I like to elucidate very briefly a few key aspects of Internet relationship for those of us not familiar with term like Ip address, Ddns, port forwarding or Ip mapping.


Wireless Network Bridge For Dvr

Every computer or other network device, in our case Cctv recorder has its own address called Ip address, much like your home address it allows the facts to find its way in grand world of internet. Ip address has four groups of numbers separated by dots; the estimate range is in the middle of 0 and 255. There are two cut off networks that we need to take into consideration, Lan for Local Area Network and Wan for Wide Area Network. Lan has its own Ip addresses and handles relationship on local network devices (computers or devices located in your home or office network), if Wan Ip is your home address than Lan Ip would be your apartment number.

Wan Ip is an external address visible to every user on the Internet. We will elucidate rest of the terminology as we go along.


The best way to elucidate and elucidate surveillance Dvr relationship setup is to use an example. In our example, we will setup Dvr model Vdv-074 from Dvrexperts thru Netopia Router/Modem combo currently used by At&T Dsl supplier with static Ip service, I will also use Linksys Wrt54G Router for Cable Dsl connection. safety Dvr recorder needs to be linked to the Internet through Router and Modem, in some cases Router and Modem are all in one devices, for example Netopia Routers.

For standalone Modems please join together the Internet out to Wan port, on your Router. join together Cctv Dvr and computers to ready ports on the Router as well. Your Router will need to be setup now to log in to the Internet aid supplier and design connection.

Netopia Router users:

Open up browser on your computer and type into the address bar your routers default Ip http:// User name and password window should appear; the default user name and password for Netopia Routers are admin for user and serial estimate of your Router for the password.

Select Configure followed by Quick start link, type your Internet aid providers user name (email address) and your Isp password. Click submit and alert icon located in upper right projection (I know it is strange), finally opt save and restart. Your relationship should be up in limited or so, click home link to see your relationship status.

Linksys Router users:

Open up browser on your computer and type into the address bar your routers default Ip []. User name and password window should appear; the default user name and password for Linksys routers are admin for user and admin for the password.

The home page of the router has Isp settings, type in your email address as a user name and Isp password for the password, opt save or submit. The Router will restart after limited or so, log in again and go to status page to see if your relationship status is Up.

If all things is ok and your relationship is Up, we can now proceed to fun part of the setup process

There is great estimate of distinct safety Digital Video Recorders on the market, so please follow your Dvr's manual for details; I will only provide the proper settings. In the Dvr menu, setup static Lan (Internal) Ip for the Dvr, in our example we have 3 computers and Dvr. Each device has assigned Lan Ip address as follows:

Computer 1 -

Computer 2 -

Computer 3 -

Dvr -

The surveillance Dvr will now be accessible within our network by typing its assigned internal Ip ( into browser or relationship software. What we need now is to forward the relationship from external Ip (Wan) which is accessible from surface of our network to the Lan Ip of the Dvr (

Netopia Router users:

Select Configure followed by advanced and finally Ip Maps. Ip map table should be empty, click on add and type into Ip Map Entry Name text box the name of your Dvr connection, in our example I just typed in Dvr so I know what this Ip map is for. In Internal Ip address box type in, for external Ip address refer to you Isp work sheet and find out what is your Ip. In some cases Isp will provide more than one static Ip, you can choose one of them.

Click submit and alert icon located in upper right corner, finally opt save and restart.

From now on anyone requesting external Ip will be forwarded to the internal Ip of the Dvr (, therefore the relationship should be established successfully.

Linksys Router users:

When setting up your Dvr for passage from the Internet, you will need to configure Port Forwarding on your Linksys Router. This can be accomplished in one of two ways, exact Port Forwarding or the Dmz host. The Dmz host automatically forwards all incoming relationship requests to a given Ip address on your local network. Open the Applications & Gaming section of the router and choose Dmz. Dmz is not obtain and should only be used with embedded, non-Pc based Cctv recorders.

To expose the Dvr to the Internet, enter the Dvr local Ip address ( in the Dmz Host Ip address box. In some cases you may just want to forward exact ports to your safety Dvr. If you are running any other device/server that hosts services ready to the internet, you will want to use exact port forwarding instead of the Dmz Host, also if your Dvr is Pc based it is strongly recommended for safety reasons, to only forward ports used by Dvr connection. Open the applications & Gaming section of the router and choose Port Range Forwarding. Type in the name for the connection, beginning port number, ending port estimate and internal Ip of the Dvr ( in our example). Save and exit.

Your relationship is now setup properly.

You probably noticed the term static Ip in this article, and are wondering what that is.

Well, static Ip is what the name suggests an Ip that never changes. While there is no problem with internal Ip selection; we can use anyone we want or prefer - the external Ip, normally is dynamic. The static Ip has to be requested from the Isp and is more costly than dynamic Ip. In our case we do want static Ip so we have address for Cctv Dvr relationship that will never change.

Throughout this tutorial I have assumed that the external static Ip is available.

Unfortunately in many areas it is not, or the cost is prohibitive. Don't panic yet, there is at least combine of distinct ways colse to this problem and I will try to go over each arrival in my next narrative "How to use free dynamic Dns services for Dvr connection."

Setup Internet relationship to Digital Video Recorder Behind Router

Wireless Internet Receiver USB Cables And Connectors