September 22, 2011

Bridge architecture - Dual Mode mobile phone revolution 4G modem dongle design

Connected to the drive continues to keep its consumers, wherever they are, the mobile network is a valuable enabler. 3G and 4G, initially limited to mobile phones, now also widely available for notebook computers. First, a niche market for the businessman on the go, wireless connectivity for laptops is experiencing an explosive growth of the new generation of students and employees sipping milk.

The device, whichallows the cellular connection of laptop computers from a variety of names, including mobile broadband and laptops to connect the card depends on, among other things, what carrier you speak too well known. Becomes increasingly important as data revenue in each of the revenue pie carrier, said the growth in popularity of cellular modem dongle. Currently, all major mobile carrier to sell a complete line of such devices. These range from simple keys Modem 3G Modemadditional features, such as SD card expansion, and dual-mode 3G dongle modems.The easiest modem is available on the market today, the single-mode GSM or CDMA modem stick. This Dongle modems offer the opportunity to connect to the cellular network needs for the data. These devices are special data transmission and reception devices, mainly composed of an RF chip, a baseband modem and power management IC.

Wireless Network Bridge

wireless network bridge

When it comes to dual-mode modem dongle is a couple of possibilitiescome to mind. They are:
1 GSM + CDMA Modem
2 3G cellular modem + 4G
3 Cellular Modem + WiFi

In most mobile markets, there is now a mixture of standards. The two major cellular standards, GSM and CDMA network operators can be limited by the coupling of subscriber networks at work. But this is usually limited to consumers, especially in developing countries where several carriers have better coverage in your area. Just as the doubling ofFashion phones in those countries, dual-mode modem dongle experience the same growth.

3G + 4G Cellular
Another popular design is now a combination of modem CMD 3G and 4G. They create at the top 4G mobile data service and a greater availability of 3G data services. With most airlines now choose WiMAX or LTE as 4G their favorite dongle modem implementation are beginning to integrate them into their project, while the media frequentlyThe 3G connectivity.

Cellular Modem + WiFi
A third option is to design cellular modem and WiFi dongle. While WiFi may be in many laptop computers now standard, the new 802.11n standard is not yet integrated into the PC. In addition, carriers will be specific, not many netbooks feature WiFi related vectors. This creates the need for an additional device capable of Wi-Fi when available, and still keep the owner of the income dataintact.

USB Power
USB power is another important factor in designing dual-mode modem. When USB is the interface between the modem and PC, it is essential that the capacity of the USB system is operating at full capacity. After all, why have a modem that is capable of over 100 Mbps of data if the USB functionality of the system is limited to about 80 Mbps?

This is another important factor, the bridge chip on the front lines of this placeSystems. Unlike a hub that can only by data from the USB modem to connect to the other bridge chip to improve performance of the modem interface (for example, the memory interface). This allows the modem to the maximum amount of data capable and non-employees by the built-in USB power modem.Apart of satisfying the basic requirements of a dual-mode GSM-modem dongle out of bridge architecture also bring additional benefits for modemDrawings.

They are:
1 independent data paths
2 Flexible interfaces
Size 3

Independent data paths
This function is useful for dual-mode GSM-modem dongle consumption due to strict restrictions. Given the limitation of 500mA output, it is important that the modem is able to constantly change modes of power, to keep the system can balance.The independent data paths to allow communication and data transfer occur simultaneouslywithout the need to store data in a queue. This allows the possibility of permanent switching, the system without the fragile balance and stops the flow of data.

Flexible interfaces
Bridge chip interfaces also offer more flexible design that allows developers to add an additional SD memory card or switch interfaces. This flexibility allows designers the freedom, without an exchange capacity to their system, while maintaining a rapid time to market for theirDesign.

Many bridge chip is designed specifically for mobile devices. Their size is much smaller than the hubs, which are typically used for computer peripherals. This is a further advantage for a mobile device like a USB modem stick as size matters. The smaller the CMD, the easier it is to bring the availability around.The cost and energy efficient dual-modem dongle promises to be the consumer's needs and transportation needs. ByThe use of the architecture enables developers to bridge dongle in order to meet the specific demands of a dual-mode GSM-modem dongle and enable additional features and enhancements.

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Bridge architecture - Dual Mode mobile phone revolution 4G modem dongle design

wireless network bridge

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